Time at Sea

"On a more positive note, it has been discovered that krill have a life span of several years as opposed to one, like the salp."
- Ecology of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, C. Mattison.
Salps are sometimes alone. See a picture of a "solitary" salp here: www.divediscover.whoi.edu/expedition10/hottopics/salps-en1.html. (There is also a nice but kind of scarey movie of salps at night in the Video section of that site.) Salps also like to hang out in a group, like in a salp chain like the one in this little movie. The salps are the pink-and-clear guys, the other guy is the solid, dark guy in fins. He is "dave." Salps do not like to give their names, usually, although you can call me Jackie.
It's hard to be in a jar, especially when one doesn't really know if one wants to have an eye, or two, and then there is that tentacle thingy I was working on - not sure where I was going with that, and then, I am transparent and naked, I guess, and cool, when this big pink thing in the air is so . . . warm. I wish they would just put me back, anyway. www.departments.oxy.edu/tops/marinebio/organisms/PH44-45salp.htm