Here comes Jupiter, there goes Mars. Actually, it's Mercury that is hiding now. The sun is setting a little earlier, so it's time for banjo concerts in the mist, beach fires, s'mores and smokies, if you like 'em and star gazing. Celestial events: July 21, a
total eclipse of the sun (note to self: memorize
lyrics), visible only in India and Nepal, China, and the ENTIRE PACIFIC OCEAN, then
Jupiter waxes larger than usual, peaking in size on August 14 (as if he's not big enough), and then around August 20, the new moon should allow some pretty good shooting star views, although not like the wild shows we've had the last couple of years - but still, a good show: 60 meteors per hour on August 12 and 13. Our own
Perseids, like clockwork. On cloudy nights, if you are human or have a domestic human companion (you cats and dogs, especially), you can stay in and watch great old
disaster movies, like Meteor, Deep Impact, Armagedden, etc.
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